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3rd Nordic Barrett's Esophagus & Early Esophageal Cancer Meeting
3rd Nordic Barrett's Esophagus & Early Esophageal Cancer Meeting
Dear fellow enthusiasts of management of Early Esophageal Neoplasia,
It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm welcome to you for our 3rd Nordic meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. The programme for this meeting will focus on detection and risk stratification, exploring how these aspects translate into effective management strategies. We are proud to feature outstanding speakers delivering cutting edge lectures, with a special session this year dedicated to sharing lessons and experiences from Japan. Invited speakers include Michael Vieth (Germany), Roos Pouw (Netherlands), Rebecca Fitzgerald, (United Kingdom) and Junko Fujisaki (Japan).
We assure you of a warm welcome and hope that you thoroughly enjoy both the meeting programme and your stay in Iceland!
The Organising Committee
Management of Barrett ́s esophagus and ESGE guidelines
Screening for esophageal cancer
Early neoplasia in esophagus; lessons from Japan
Barrett ́s esophagus: Risk stratification
Treatment objectives for Barrett ́s esophagus
Managing early esophageal neoplasia in the Nordic countries
Praktisk information
19.-20. september 2024